Saturday, May 7, 2011

Heed the call to Adventure! / Telluric power is a harsh mistress

I've been watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls today, and I'm halfway through reading Lovecrafts Mountains of Madness.
I am currently overcome with a desire to run a pulp game. Either Trail of Cthulhu or Adventure!

Either would be acceptable, and would no doubt use similar set pieces.

I'm favouring Adventure! as I write, as it is a marvellous system that rewards creativity, description and ingenuity, and allows the players to directly affect the narrative. It's rawrsome. And great fun as well.


  1. Have you experienced Savage Worlds? It is a most amicable system for this manner of rollicking pulp action, being (by its primary tenets) Fast, Furious and Fun.

    It doesn't have Adventure!'s hallmark narrative editing thing, but it's a lot of fun.

  2. Andy: I did see that there's a new edition of Savage Worlds coming out, so I might check that out.

    Christian: I'm open to negotiation. The fiction provided with the game itself is even better than Nazi Attack Baboons, as inconceivable as that is.
